Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Thing #6--2.0 Tools

I browsed Web 2.0 Awards nominees and discovered Furl. This site allows the user to store all useful and frequently used websites for quick and easy retrieval.

I like this tool because I can put all of my frequently used websites in one place and never have to worry about forgetting any newly discovered websites that I feel can be of use.

There are several science-related websites that I use during the school year. Now I can put them all on my Furl account and save time accessing them.


Debbie said...

By the way...your avatar looks just like you!

GreenEyedGal said...

This site sounds great for me to use in my class also. We change topics every two or three days so I need something to help me remember sites I forget to easily.

By the way you are doing great on this class, and I thought you might need my help...ha!