Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Thing #17--Tagging and Social Bookmarking

Beach custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more - ImageChef.com

Social bookmarking is a great way for a teacher like me to share lessons and fun labs and to benefit from the good ideas of other Science teachers as well.  I can't believe how easy it is to go to a social bookmarking site like Del.icio.us and type in a keyword like physics lessons and get more info than I could ever use.  

Once again, the tutorial helped me to see how useful a bookmarking site is.  I see plenty of potential for research assistance because so many people are adding information to these types of sites, all I have to do is enter keywords and pick and choose the boatload of information that comes up.

1 comment:

Debbie said...

MISD also offers a staff development on del.icio.us called Social Bookmarking if you are interested in learning more.