Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Thing #14---Go with the Flow

I went to Mindmeister and created a concept map.  My Science coordinator has always emphasized how we need to be using concept maps and flowcharts in Science so the kids can make mental connections to the topic being studied.

I got frustrated with trying to increase the size of the concept map to the left.  As I play around with all of these tools, I get more and more proficient at utilizing all that is available to me.  My C-tech at school can show me how to change the size of the map.

Flowchart is easier to use because you go from one thing to the next in a very linear fashion as opposed to Mindmeister where there seem to be icons spread around making it more complicated to use.....especially for someone like me who is not a computer expert.  I must say I have learned quite a bit as I wrap up Thing# 14.

1 comment:

Debbie said...

When I clicked the concept map it automatically enlarged for me.

Your doing great! Keep up the good work!