Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Thing #12 Google Tools

I like Google Calendar.  It is really neat because I can access it any time and place as long as a computer is handy.  The calendar allows me to be more organized.  For example, I can create a personal calendar ( kids' dr. appts., etc.) and a school calendar(testing dates, project due dates, parent meetings, etc.).  There are times when I need to be able to see what all is going on.....this allows me to do just that.  No more big dusty calendars on my desk!

Oh, another thing, this was easy for me compared to some of the earlier "things".  I was able to do this without much trouble.

I love Google Alerts!  Very simple and straightforward.  As forgetful as I can be at times, I can benefit from this.......off the top of my head I can think of the date an ARD input form is due, an ARD meeting, testing dates, my anniversary, Mom's birthday, etc..... 

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